The flowery quilt is the first quilt I ever made. Using mostly fabric from 50s dresses with some new Liberty's material.
The checked quilt is the latest made. I did this as a welcome gift for a family who had just gained settled status in Birmingham, using mostly old quilt covers from Ben and Seb.
Wow, you've made a bunch! I like the bright colors and how they are particular to an era. Thanks for sharing your creations! Oh, and as well as sharing them in photo, you are actually giving that one away. What a great welcome for that family :)
Yup, I've got it wrong :D I thought my mom said Kathy made my baby quilts, but Kathy just looked and said it wasn't her because she didn't start quilting until her oldest was born, so not until I was four years old. So she definitely made the one in the video, but the rest is a mystery :
The flowery quilt is the first quilt I ever made. Using mostly fabric from 50s dresses with some new Liberty's material.
The checked quilt is the latest made. I did this as a welcome gift for a family who had just gained settled status in Birmingham, using mostly old quilt covers from Ben and Seb.
Using up other parts of other old shirts that I had kept for years to create something ,became therapeutic during lock down.
These are the quilts I made for Ben and Seb. Also showing them sharing a tiny crib under Sebs' quilt
What beautiful things to have Amanda! :)) Thanks for finding them and posting pictures . All that work!
The quilt is beautiful, the fist puppets are so fun and you guys are a great double act!
Well that was weird but fun! And those knuckles have a personality of their own! I was drawn in :)) I also love the quilt!