Fancy a quick dash around another capital city? Here are some photos from today's trip to Cardiff! In the pub at the end I thought I was going to get swept up into a rugby scrum... All good-natured though! Watch out for more capital cities coming soon!! And hope see you on Sunday for the next livestream! Today's pics here: :)
Billy,I'm going to make sure I get 5 of my 5 a day and keep healthy! Your recipe is ideal...
Billy! Thanks for The Health Drink and matching pistachios! It sounds tasty and fresh…we’ll still be white here for a while, but there will be green moments ahead! (Glad I thought to reword that matching nuts part :))
You are scooping up the capitals! See you Sunday! Already only two more days by your clock!
Hehe, nice headline. Pics looks beautiful and I want to peruse in detail, but for now they’ve made me even hungrier! Glad you got to taste you way through :)
The viewing of the pics will have to wait till tomorrow... If I don't get enough sleep we know it'll end in tears! Ha ha