Preparations are underway, cooking about to commence! Will you make a curry tonight, and then join the ragas festival live from New York? Amazing how it's possible to be together and travel the world, all without leaving home. The music begins 7pm New York time, 11pm UK time, 8am Japan time... In the UK the clocks change to 'British Summer Time' tonight as well, just to add to the fun! But I think these timings are correct. If you do make a curry, you can post a picture of it in the comments section below if you would like to :) Have a great night wherever you are!
PS This is the recipe that I'm using - hopefully easy and tasty... (That looks like a lot of peas?)
I left the session after 2 am,whilst the Sitar musician was playing. The length of 2 of playing sessions was so long! I kept wondering how they held their composure . The long hammers hitting the strings sounded amazing and relaxing.( I can't remember the name of the instrument) Thanjs for letting us know about it.
Just in time!
Curry big success at this end! And some left over for tomorrow! Can sit back now and enjoy the festival! :))
That looks like it will be a great curry. I went for the easy option and we have just finished eating it.