There are a couple of tracks on the spotify playlist this month called '303'! What is 303 - a secret code? The A303, aka Highway To The Sun, aka Hippy Dream Road, is the road that takes you from London (well, Basingstoke) to Devon Heaven! What a singular road it is - like a UK route 66? Some parts of it are fast dual-carriageway, some are twisty single-lane; there's even a terrifying three-lane part (middle lane use by either direction!!). Along the way, you'll pass Stonehenge and countless other Neolithic sites, and all the while have the feeling you're heading to the sun and the sea and the mysteries of the South-West (it's the road to Glastonbury). Some prefer to go the long, ironed-out way round (M4 then M5); and it's true in the summer it's log-jammed with caravans and campers. But it's much more direct and much more of an experience. If possible, I always like to stop off briefly and say hello to the Stones...
Do have a listen to the spotify list of travel songs if you have time - You Can Find Your Way Home (on the 303)...
Oh yes - I think that's Silbury Hill, I stopped there in the dark on a recent-ish road trip... Ah, lovely photo below, ha ha! The line carries on...
That’s a beautiful photo of Stonehenge. I like the light. I have never heard of that terrifying three-lane configuration. What were they thinking?
The playlist is great, only one I'm not keen on,but loving the rest and discovering lots of new voices. Which led me to listen to an 18 &1/2 minute long song you know who?:))
I went on my travels today and ventured into town for the first time in ages. I was invited,along with other volunteers to the Vegetarian cafe in Digbeth for a thankyou Meal, which was delicious! As I walked, I saw various modes of transport ,from horse to trains along the way!
Henges are great to visit aren't they. I like Avebury and the nearby Mound( when my son climbed it last year I realised the scale of it!)
The picture below is Carnac in France. There were 100s of stones.