9th of June - the day to be singing the official Geordie National Anthem, The Blaydon Races! Here's a rough & ready version I did earlier in the week on YouTube - join me for a singalong! :)
Cheers! Hey, don’t let those clothes catch too much pollen. Sorry, the mothering never stops around here. :D For that new verse you’re working on, how about somebody snagging their nose on knickers?
I went back to photograph this after seeing it the other day.- seems appropriate!:)
Cheers! Hey, don’t let those clothes catch too much pollen. Sorry, the mothering never stops around here. :D For that new verse you’re working on, how about somebody snagging their nose on knickers?
Newkie Brown-Cheers!
What a lovely garden and view you have. Fabulous washing line too. They'll all be dry and folded by now!:))