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Writer's picturephilogguk

It won't be too long

No close encounters for so long now - except for the livestream, where I feel quite close to everyone watching and taking part! - but hopefully it won't be toooo long until we can meet again in person... Meanwhile today was a gorgeous Spring day - things are definitely looking up :))

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Ruth Carless
Ruth Carless
11 mar 2021

I can't see it rescheduled so maybe. I've not been to Whitley Bay, I've heard its very nice.

Ruth Carless
Ruth Carless
12 mar 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

There was a very detailed write up about Rufus on the Playhouse website and I did wonder why this was the case;is this because they thought local people didn't have a clue who he is therefore may not bother?

I do prefer to see concerts etc in smaller venues, not for me the large arena. Symphony Hall is about as large as I'll go and I got a ticket as near to the stage as I was willing to pay.


Have you seen this video with Rufus leading the giant virtual choir?

Ruth Carless
Ruth Carless
11 mar 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

Thanks Amanda, I had seen it , but forgotten about it , so just watched it again. I've seen a few of his other lockdown collaborations etc. He does like his Kimonos! Ha ha.


Ruth Carless
Ruth Carless
10 mar 2021

I decorated our window just over a year ago as part of Light Up B16. I thought it appropriate for St Patricks Day as Mrs Doyle has been baking cakes and warming the tea pot for weeks for her nice Priests!!

Ruth Carless
Ruth Carless
15 mar 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

One Easter my son added easter eggs made from sticky backed plastic to a a mirror; they lasted about 12 years,so those snowflakes should be ok till next Christmas ! Oh a Planetarium sounds a great idea, we never had one of those. I still have fond memories of the first time doing paper mache . We each made a pig . I think I was about 6. That apple will be around for years!


Ruth Carless
Ruth Carless
10 mar 2021

Odpowiada osobie:

Thanks, I found it! Our local radio station carries BBC World Service through the night. I heard a snippet of a show about universal basic income a few years ago and when I went to find the full episode, the world of BBC radio opened before me online. It’s like our great NPR weekend programming in the USA, but there’s five times more of it. So good! Don’t worry UK tax payers, the BBC sells ad space on your podcasts here:D


Ruth Carless
Ruth Carless
10 mar 2021

I'm looking forward to seeing two concerts that i booked for about this time last year, which have been rescheduled. I hopefully see Rumer in June and Rufus Wainwright in October. Pretty excited about Rufus. Ive also got a weekend reunion to go to in the Cheviots with a group of people I first met in 87. All of course depending on rules etc. and of course looking forward to seeing siblings etc.

11 mar 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

Ah yes - won't it be brilliant to do these things! I think it will happen! Rufus was booked to play Whitley Bay Playhouse, I don't know whether the gig went ahead or not ;))

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