Postscript on our last livestream (yes, more about Laura!) - thank you so much everyone who joined on the night and made the chat so lively! As always, the stream is still up there on YouTube and can be watched anytime.
More than ever, if I had to sum up Laura Nyro's life and music, I'd say it's all about love :)
So some new recordings of Laura Nyro just turned up on YouTube - I don't think these have been easily available before. They're super-early - in fact they're the audition tapes from her first encounter with music management. The response of the person auditioning her (who did become her first manager) is almost laughable... (hear it on the third of these recordings). Anyway by her late teens she'd already written some fabulous songs with very Laura-esque melodies - enjoy!
Go Find The Moon
Lazy Susan
Luckie / Studio Talk
Enough of You
Fyi -Two interviews with LN popped up on YT. Richard Knight Junior 1994 and with Philly DJ Ed Scaky on WMMR radio. Not sure if you've heard them?
Loony with love even—LOVE Go Find the Moon. “And there’s Bob Dylan.” Go Laura! The first half of Enough of You, the melody keeps going to unexpected places, matching the uncertainty in the lyrics maybe, then the second half the melody is more predictable, matching the happy ending :) Yup, yup, all about love :)
Yesterday I visited a newly opened section of a local community space and saw this banner. It seems appropriate for your website :))
By the way, nice message on the door :))
I think I may have heard a couple of these,but certainly didn't realise they were audition recordings. I thought she was just in the studio discussing the pieces.