So did anyone make it up for the sunrise / dawn chorus this morning? I was out in the garden by around 5.20am - a little late for the best of the chorus unfortunately (however early you get up, the birds have been up sooner...); but spot on for a fantastic sunrise. This miracle happens every morning! I feel really happy to have marked May 1st today, even with no social activities going on. Now at 10.30pm it feels like the day has been going on forever - but glad to have made the most of it. Have a happy month of May! See you on the 20th for our next livestream! x
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Yes, it was one amazing day :) Wow! Beautiful! I think your pinks and purples came through. J said the birds I recorded did sound just like Michigan!
Beautiful pictures of your Devon sky. Although a better morning here than yesterday the sunrise nor my photos compare. Birdsong still wonderful.
First photo could be a painting. Hope you dewed yourself for a flawless complexion...impossible here as it was ice....had to defrost car a 0730! ❄️☃️