A year and a day since I got my silver-blue spaceship - 22 years old and can't fault it. Looking forward to loading up some instruments and getting back out on the road when things open up again...
So is the Alfa your car of choice? It looks very elegant. Although Ipassed my test in 88 I haven't driven very much at all. That road looks about the right amount of busyness for me- no other cars on the rd and I'd be ok! I have an on going debate with myself as to whether I should buy myself a car so I can go where I want ,when I want and visit little places off the beaten track not easily connected by public transport . Then I lack courage and another tear passes!
https://youtu.be/UoVaK2NXmJA Spotify just brought this song up which I've heard for the first time.
Alfa romeo echo whisky echo November echo alpha romeo Lima yankee tango hotel echo romeo echo yankee echo tango ?:)))
Never tire of the road ❤️
So is the Alfa your car of choice? It looks very elegant. Although Ipassed my test in 88 I haven't driven very much at all. That road looks about the right amount of busyness for me- no other cars on the rd and I'd be ok! I have an on going debate with myself as to whether I should buy myself a car so I can go where I want ,when I want and visit little places off the beaten track not easily connected by public transport . Then I lack courage and another tear passes!
https://youtu.be/BAMm_LuN-a8 Manfred Mann Davy's on the rd again came into my head..