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Writer's picturephilogguk

Three Acres and a Cow

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

Hope you're having a good beginning to this Lunar New Year - the Year of the Ox. I was looking for a song connected with oxen, or cows - and came across this one. It was written in the 1880s to go with a movement for land reform and against rural poverty - three acres and a cow being the ideal land holding for every citizen. I picked it up from the website of a touring production of the same name, telling the story of land rights and protest in the UK. I'll definitely sing it on Tuesday night - so if you like, please join in with me! If you'd like to add an instrument, I've written the chords in on the lyric sheet below, I'll play it in C (most likely on the banjo!). Sorry the melody copy is in D and I changed the words a bit from this version. Anyway please join in or listen:) PS There'll

be a couple more numbers that are very join in-able, so do have something to hand if you fancy - think marching band (washboard, upturned waste bin etc etc) :)

Thanks to

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Black Cow by Steely Dan from Aja also comes to mind!


Thanks to you, quince, for the Black Cow suggestion. It started making a pleasant loop in my head, so I listened and realized he‘s referring to a milk and Pepsi. I just put root beer on my grocery list so we can make brown cows--even better. Yum!

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