Excited to start putting together ideas for the next livestream - which will have the theme of Weather Music! We have a date - Thurs 22 July - so please join us then if you can (8pm). And of course, if you'd like to add any weather-related items to the Over To You page (songs, poems, instrumental pieces, films, anything), feel free to get practising and send them in anytime - can't wait to see them! There's always lots to say about the weather - and there's loads of musical material too. Will we do a late-night special edition again? Will it finally stop raining? See you in July to find out! :))
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Has anyone solved the song puzzle?
Can you guess the song from the images?
Everywhere you go…
More late-night musical slumber party? We’ll see…
Always get me down..the song I hasten to add!